cocoAspell - Bulgarian spell check for MacOS X
How do you check the spelling of a TextEdit document, message, your personal website if you're working on a Mac? Well, MacOS X has a built-in spell checking engine, so no matter what application you use, provided that the application supports MacOS X Services, you should be fine. Ok, but how do you check the spelling of a document in Bulgarian? Well, you can't, not with the tools into built-in MacOS X. In comes cocoAspell. Thanks to Anton Leuski's excellent Cocoa port of opensource package Aspell you can now use spell checking in quite a bit more languages (74 dictionaries available for Aspell). You can check Anton's excellent tutorial on installing additional spelling dictionaries. After installing you should go to System Preferences and choose International, and change the language preference, so that the language you want to spell check in is the first in the list of active languages. So, finally, I have no excuse for my terrible spelling.